Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Digitized Photos Let You Enjoy the Memories when Moving On

There is often lots of trauma surrounding the break up of a household. Whether its time for grandma and grandpa to relocate to another home that's more suitable for their advancing years, or a middle-aged couple who have fallen out of love, what's the appropriate disposition for all those photographs that chronicle the happy times of a lifetime or two?

Digitizing old photographs is a great way to reduce storage space and share the happy memories. When families downsize to a new home, there never seems to be enough storage space in the new place. With planning, scanning and creating electronic files of photographs are a great way to sort through and save photos that are important to a family's heritage. They can provide some lighter moments of conversation within the context of the stress that a major move brings on. 

Saving digitized files to an SD memory card and backing them up to an online service makes them available for sharing. Installing the SD memory card in digital photo frame, let's grandma and grandpa conveniently display their treasured photos in their new home which may psychologically help them adjust to their new surroundings.

Even divorcing couples may want to look beyond their current adversity and want to share the memories of times less painful, like photos of children growing up, places visited, and pets remembered. 

It may be easier to just box up the old photo albums and move them, but it's not as much fun. Our website, Our Heritage Vault, offers some ideas about how to tackle this project as well as other items you may want to digitize and save. 

Remember: To start, pick out your favorite photos, not more than a couple dozen, and digitally scan them. You can always add more. In the meantime, take a look at the clothes, the hairdos, the old cars, and start smiling! 

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