Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can Your Photographs Become Obsolete?

Photographs are meant to last a lifetime or longer. Sure, you take new photographs to update a look, a grandchild growing up, or an addition to your home but they are not intended to replace old photographs. New photographs of the same person, place or event help extend and tell a story. An old photograph never becomes obsolete, they become comforting antidotes to the stresses living life. 

Family photographs are the first possessions that victims of a tragedy, like a house fire or flood, state that they will miss the most. New technologies enable us to  digitally scan and create electronic files from old prints, rejuvenating the image to their original look. Digitized photographs become ageless possessions that can evoke some wonderful conversations among multiple generations. Installing a selection of electronic files on an  8" digital photo frame with high resolution can help people downsize the physical space that photo albums and make viewing favorite photographs much more convenient. Pressing a button is much easier that retrieving, opening, holding, and sharing stories while look at 3" x 5" image pasted in an album or scrapbook. 

Scanning old photos prevents loss or damage when the glue gives out or a print escapes from it corner mount and falls to the bottom of its storage box. We offer other ideas about taking care of photographs as well as other important, long-lasting possessions within our "Important Things Index" at OurHeritageVault.com.

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