Friday, October 21, 2011

Is There a Future President in Your Family?

Unless your Address is:

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC

You need 

SOS: Saving Our (Great American) Stories
A Quick Start Summary

The President of the United States lives and works at The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC. Official photographers and the news media document his activities, and an army of assistants help the President perform his duties while creating records of his accomplishments. After the President leaves office, the Archivist of the United States takes custody of those records and they become the basis for a Presidential Library.

There are currently 13 Presidential Libraries that serve as repositories for preserving and providing access to the papers, records, and other historical materials of U.S. Presidents. The records of Presidents prior to Herbert Hoover are located at the Library of Congress and other repositories near where they lived. At the dedication of his library in 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt said, 

“To bring together the records of the past and to house them in buildings where they will be preserved for the use of men and women in the future, a Nation must believe in three things. It must believe in the past. It must believe in the future. It must, above all, believe in the capacity of its own people so to learn from the past that they can gain in judgment in creating their own future."

These materials tell the stories of famous men (and someday soon, women) and their achievements. The libraries serve as museums providing texture to the history of a President during his administration as well as before and after.

Since you and your family don’t have the National Archives saving and preserving your family’s history, you need to do it yourself. SOS: Saving Our (Great American) Stories--A Quick Start Summary will help you identify, protect, and preserve photographs, color slide, videos, important documents, and much, much more. It will provide you with ideas about ways in which your family can document the evidence of your lives and preserve it for the future.

If your daughter, son, granddaughter, or grandson plans to become President of the United States one day, today is the day that you need to start preserving the story of her or his formative years for the Presidential Library in her or his future years.

Sign up now for Our Heritage Preservation, a FREE electronic magazine delivered to your email inbox, that will provide you with easy ways to preserve your stories and fun projects for the whole family. Get your complimentary copy of  SOS: Saving Our (Great American) Stories--A Quick Start Summary now. Visit, subscribe, and download your copy now! 

Have a Memorable Day!


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