Friday, August 5, 2011

Bye-bye Emily.

Greetings from South Florida!

Yeah! We dodged Emily!

Boo-o-o. The National Weather Service added a couple of storms to its prediction for this hurricane season.

What have you done to protect the things you want to enjoy and ensure that they're available for your children to enjoy? Digitize now. Take the photos on display in your living room. If you have the negatives or files and you've locked them away in your safe deposit box, good for you! If you’re like me, and you don’t know where they are, it would be a good idea to scan and make digital files of those photos now.

After all, if those photos are on display in your home, they’re the ones that you like the most. Make sure that they’ll be there for your children and grandchildren . . . all your grandchildren because once you replicate a photo electronically, you can make as many duplicates as you want. It’s easy.

Have a memorable day. 

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