Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Automobile Maintenance Records

I had my car serviced for the first time yesterday. Last December, a storm and accompanying flood wreaked havoc on my previous car. My insurance company declared the auto a total wreck and told me to go out a buy another vehicle since my then 3-year old car would never be the same.

As I was driving to and from the car dealership, I must have passed 6 former dealships. Seeing those empty storefronts with vast parking lots surrounding them reminded me that I should keep my own set of maintenance records for our cars and not depend on a dealer to keep them for me. By scanning and keeping a digitized copy of my maintenance and repair receipts, I'll have the evidence to prove that the car was properly maintained and eligible for any repairs covered under the vehicle's warranty. I plan to keep those records in Our Heritage Vault.

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