Friday, May 7, 2010

More Rain, More Flooding, Less News Media Coverage

A Newsweek blog post dated May 6 notes the lack of national news coverage of the Nashville flood. With losses estimated at more than $1 billion, it is a significant event that was overshadowed in the media by the attempted bombing in Times Square and the Gulf oil leak.

Even if the national media focused on the Nashville flood more broadly, its coverage would detail the estimated size of the community's loss, the height of the flood waters, the curtailment of activities, and the inconveniences that the masses would have encountered. Among the real stories of this tragedy along the banks of Cumberland River are the losses of individuals and families. In addition to losses of property, the lives of 30 people ended because of these storms and floods. Insurance proceeds will exchange losses for money but money cannot replace lost lives and lost remembrances.

As part of its education programs, Our Heritage Vault offers free copies of "The Important Things Index," a comprehensive list of the things that people may miss if they are lost. Once you identify those things that you'll miss, you can take steps to avoid those losses. Email for your free copy.